ETJ-Aichi March 2007

Joshua Myerson



Baloney, Doubt, or gLiar Liar Pants on Fire!h

This is a version of a real card game that has been adapted to the EFL classroom where Ss must put down sets of cards in increasing amounts, whether they have the cards or not.  This means that sometimes they must lie, which means that sometimes they will get caught.  In this game, as in life, there is a penalty for lying.

Number of Students:

This game can be played with a minimum of three Ss and is best played with a maximum of five Ss because they will have to wait for their turns and keep track of the cards in hand and in play.  I make three cards of about seven vocabulary words and play with three or four students in a group.  If you have more students than that in your class, you can make one deck of three cards for each group of three or more Ss.


1.      Pick a language target and make 3 of each type of card.

2.      Mix up and then pass out all the cards.

3.      Ss should not show each other their cards.

4.      Ss can work alone or in teams.

5.      During round 1, S1 puts down, into a center pile, a single type of any card being held.  S2 will do the same with any card being held.  This is repeated until all the students have played.

6.      During round 2, S1 puts down, into the center pile, 2 of any type of card being held.  S2 will do the same.  This is repeated until all of the students have played.

7.      During round 3, S1 puts down, into the center pile, 3 of any type of card being held.  S2 will do the same.  This is repeated until all of the students have played.

8.      It is important that the number of cards played cannot be lied about, but the type of card played can be lied about.

9.      During any play, any student can gDoubth another student by saying, gI donft think you have # (cards just played).h  If the player has just lied about the type of cards the response should be, gYoufre right.  I donft have # (cards just played).h  The liar must then take all of the cards in the center pile.  If they were telling the truth they should say, gI do have # (cards just played).h  In that case, the gDoubterh must take all of the cards in the center pile.  Writing the phrases to be used on the board at the beginning of the game and erasing them later helps make the game flow smoothly.

10. After any gDoubting,h start with round 1 again and with the S following the last player.  As it is round 1, it begins with the S putting down, into the center pile, a single type of card being held.

11. The first S to get rid of all of his/her cards is the winner.


*This game is not fun if S donft doubt each other.

*This game is best for Ss eight and up or Ss who understand strategy.

*This game is good for practicing nouns and numbers as well as other classroom English like: Whose turn is it?  Is it your turn?  Itfs your/his/her turn.  Please hurry up.  Just a moment.


Therefs also a gbattleshiph game here.

